Where Does Your Fat Go When You Lose Weight From HCG Diet?

Fat Cells

HCG diet has been there for over 60 years now and there are several studies as well as customer reviews claiming this pregnancy hormone’s effectiveness in weight loss. This hormone along with special HCG diet offers effective weight loss that ranges from 0.5 to 2lbs per day. Weight loss claimed by the users suggests a weight loss between 30lbs to 90lbs at the end of the diet program.

The question would also arise that if the fat is dissolved at such a quick rate then where does it go? It seems to be a miracle but of course it’s not! There is a science backing this weight loss supplement and the details here would bring all aspects of HCG diet to light.


Idea behind HCG as weight loss supplement

HCG, known as Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is the hormone found in females at the time of pregnancy. This hormone has a strong role to play in the growth of fetus and well-being of mother carrying the child. The role of HCG in pregnancy is to provide energy to the mother and accelerate growth of the fetus. The use of HCG for weight loss was initiated in 1954 by Dr. Albert Simeons and he did it by injecting HCG hormone to the people suffering from obesity. The study and the reports were published in popular medical journal called Lancet.


  ALSO READ : Dietary Supplements When Taking HCG Drops for Weight Loss


Later many studies were carried out with varying number of subjects and dosage, along with specific HCG diet. Some of these results offered promising results about HCG. A study carried out on 40 overweight women in 1973 had clearly shown that the women taking HCG hormone with proper HCG diet lost more weight compared to those receiving placebo. This gave way to further studies on the use of this hormone as a supplement for weight loss.

Once the effect of HCG was proven for weight loss, the next step was to know how it worked.


How HCG Works?

How HCG WorksHCG is found in pregnant women naturally and it provides energy required for nurturing the fetus. It converts the stubborn body fat into energy. The metabolism is also increased as this hormone is used for growth. The same concept is applied for weight loss. When HCG is injected or is taken in the form of drops, it will do the same work as it does in pregnant women.


  HCG is found in pregnant women naturally and it provides energy required for nurturing the fetus. It converts the stubborn body fat into energy.  


The use of this hormone stimulates hypothalamus, which produces the chemicals responsible for releasing fat storage. The stored fat is released in the bloodstream from where it is utilized to provide energy. This energy will come at your rescue when you follow the strict 500 calorie HCG diet in the process.

This hormone works best in conjunction with the special HCG diet as the calorie deficit formed because of this diet is covered by the stored fat. The entire HCG diet is divided into 4 phases where the first phase is about loading your body with lots of calories combined with HCG drops. The loading would trigger the HCG mechanism.


  ALSO READ : The Skinny On Dr Simeons HCG Diet


The second phase is 500 calorie diet where the actual weight loss takes place. Here you will see the effect of HCG hormones in collaboration with calorie deficit. This phase is the actual weight loss phase.

After the completion of above two phases, you would come across stabilization and maintenance phases, which are third and fourth phase respectively. In third phase, you stop HCG drops but continue the diet while in fourth phase, you slowly include different food groups to your diet that together normalize your diet.

The working of this super weight loss plan is clear but the question still remains, where does the fat go?


Conversion of fat to energy

HCG enhances the metabolism of your body. You also undertake some exercises such as 30 minute walk or equivalent where the calories are burnt. The food intake is reduced to 500 calories per day and hence there is clear calorie deficit.

Does hCG Burn Fat?

HCG triggers Hypothalamus and the stored fat is released into your bloodstream to get converted into energy. This energy is used to carry out your daily chores and also to meet your metabolism needs. The calorie deficiency is higher and the mobilization of fat is simultaneously heightened. Thus, all the stored fat gets converted into energy that runs your body even when you don’t feed it with right amount of food.


  HCG triggers Hypothalamus and the stored fat is released into your bloodstream to get converted into energy.  


This whole process is very interesting as here you eat less but yet feel energetic due to the internal fat-release mechanism of your body. If the stored fat is high, the weight loss would also be high. The total weight loss would completely depend on your current weight and target weight. It will also depend on the fat mass and muscular mass in your body.

The entire HCG diet and drops is backed by a science. You can select either drops or injections of this hormone depending on your convenience but the drops are always recommended for the ease of administering it. The diet is also very well-defined and should be followed accordingly to get the results faster.

The right choice of food groups would ensure that the fat is mobilized in the right channel and the results are as desired. There are ready diet references available in the form of books and also on websites.

Start this super diet plan today and get the body that you always longed for!




